To ensure children make good progress at St Peter’s, attendance at school is vital. Independent evidence shows that if a child’s attendance drops to 90% or less, there is a significant impact with underachievement. Our revised Attendance Policy ensures that St Peter’s continues to be in line with the DfE and Hampshire County Council common approach.
It is the responsibility of parents or carers that their child attends the school day and to inform the school if their child is absent. The Attendance Register is an important legal document and attendance of all children is marked twice a day by the class teacher. Children are marked either present, late or absent. There are Absence and Attendance Codes as set out by Hampshire County Council in their Code of Conduct. We have included these for reference in our Attendance policy. In the morning, the register is open in class at 8.50am and delivered to the school office at 9.00am. If the child comes in after this time, they must sign in late at the office. The child will be marked with ‘L’ meaning that they are late before the register closed. The number of late marks are reported as part of the end of year statement to parents. The morning register closes in the office at 9.20am. Children arriving after this time will need to report to the office and be marked ‘U’ for that morning session, meaning they are late and arrived after the register closed (unless the lateness is due to an authorised/valid reason eg a medical appointment). In the afternoon the register opens at the start of the afternoon session and closes 20 minutes later – start of afternoon sessions: 1.00pm for Yr R and KS1 and 1.10pm for KS2. Further guidance on attendance and lateness can be found in our information leaflet for parents entitled Attendance Guide, see below.
Non-Attendance (Absence)
Parents are responsible for informing the school office of any absences (including absence due to illness) from school before 9.30am by:
(a) reporting through the dedicated absence line on the school’s phone system. The number is the same as the school number (01962 852820) and the absence reporting facility can be selected.
(b) emailing
(c) if a child has a medical appointment, then this must be recorded on our ‘Notification of absence from school due to Medical Appointments’ form preferably before the event, but if unable to do so can be completed upon return, but the office must be informed by 9.30am on the date of absence.
(d) completing a ‘Request to authorise absence from school due to exceptional circumstances’ form. This will be considered and signed by our Headteacher.
If a child is absent and the School Office has not been informed by 9.30am then the following action is taken:
1. There is a designated attendance monitor in the office who works their way through each register ensuring all children are accounted for. All unaccounted for children will be followed up starting with all known vulnerable children. This role is a priority in the office and we aim for completion between 10-10.30am.
2. If contact is unsuccessful, the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or Deputy DSL will be informed and the appropriate action will be taken. The DSL or Deputy DSL will act to resolve the issue, however, if not resolved, outside agencies, including Children's Services, will be contacted as appropriate.
3. Actions with rationale will be recorded by the DSL on the child’s electronic file and also on CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System). Parents are responsible for keeping the school informed about any absence of their child from school. The school must report all absences to the Department for Education and a permanent record is maintained for each child.
For greater detail please see our Attendance Policy below.