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St Peter's Catholic Primary School & Little Fishes Pre-School

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Travelling to School

St Peter’s Travel Plan

‘Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm.

It’s about doing more good.’


St Peter’s works with Hampshire County Council to encourage alternatives to car travel on the school run. By encouraging walking, cycling, scooting or using public transport for school journeys we aim to help reduce congestion and pollution. With less traffic the local area should become a nicer place to live and learn.


Our ‘Travel Plan’ aims to do the following, to:


  • Assist with decreasing school gate congestion and associated safety issues
  • Improve the health and wellbeing of pupils, parents and staff
  • Improve the air quality around the school
  • Provide good evidence for funding bids for infrastructure works from travel planning activities
  • Improved relations with local community e.g. residents regarding parking issues
  • Improved travel and access information
  • Increase in walking and cycling levels to reduce the school’s carbon footprint
  • Improvement in road safety awareness
  • Evidence for aspects of the Healthy Schools, Eco Schools, SMSC and other curriculum areas
  • Provide a smoother transition process with linked schools


The School Travel Plan is designed to promote considerate parking around the school at drop-off and pick-up times, encourage more children to walk to and from school and to make walking to school safer.


The School Travel Plan team consists of key members of staff, Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs), School Travel Plan Advisors from Hampshire County Council, our local PCSO, governors and parents.


Parents, we ask that you please have a look at the following:



We hope everyone will work together to make the area around St Peter’s a safe and pleasant place to be!


Please take a look at Hampshire County Council's Spring into Action Toolkit for ideas for health and wellbeing:
