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St Peter's Catholic Primary School & Little Fishes Pre-School

“Christ at the Centre”

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PE and Sport Premium


An essential part of our focus as a catholic school is on the importance of the development of the whole child. We are committed to offering a wide range of opportunities for all children to be physically literate and try new sports.


Sports Premium is government funding, specifically for use with PE, sport and physical activity. It must be used to make sustainable improvements to the quality of PE, sports and physical activity we provide.


We offer a range of clubs and activities within and around the school day, in partnership with SportSkool. These are available to both KS1 and KS2 throughout the school year.


Each half term, we attend a number of tournaments, events and sports festivals with our local School Games organisers, including events for Years 1-6 such as Endball, Multi-Skills, Tennis, Cross country and Hockey. We are committed to ensuring we offer inclusive events, with links to the Panathlon.


As part of Kings' Primary PE Outreach, every Friday morning Alison MacQuilliin has been supporting our school to deliver and develop PE lessons alongside the classroom teachers. Alison is also supporting in helping us develop our own bespoke PE curriculum to ensure all of our pupils’ experience is at a level suitable to their individual knowledge, competence and confidence.


For more information regarding Sports Premium funding, see the Government website:

