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St Peter's Catholic Primary School & Little Fishes Pre-School

“Christ at the Centre”

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“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow,

yet we forget that he is someone today.” ~ Stacia Tauscher


At St Peter’s we know safeguarding determines the actions that we take to keep children safe and protect them from harm in all aspects of their school life. As a school we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our pupils. 


The actions that we take to prevent harm; to promote wellbeing; to create safe environments; to educate on rights, respect and responsibilities; to respond to specific issues and vulnerabilities all form part of the safeguarding responsibilities of the school.


We recognise that safeguarding our children is the responsibility of every adult in the school. We believe that it is important to make children aware of behaviour towards them that is not acceptable so our curriculum supports children in recognising when their personal rights are being compromised. We work hard to ensure our children are safe when with us and teach them how to keep themselves safe – both in and outside of school.


Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are: 


Louise Buxton (DSL)

Louise Blake (Deputy DSL)

Alison Horsley (Deputy DSL)

Grace Foster (Deputy DSL)

Caroline Ricketts (DSL - Little Fishes)

Sharon Church (Deputy DSL - Little Fishes)

Jo Hudson (Deputy DSL - Little Fishes)


If you have a concern about the long term safety of a child or young person and you want someone to find out what is going on, contact the Hampshire Children’s Services Department. Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm, phone 0300 555 1384.  At all other times, contact the out-of-hours service, phone 0300 555 1373. Anyone can make a referral. Please remember anyone can make a referral and safeguarding is everyone's concern!



How we teach the children


Promoting safeguarding through teaching and learning


Our Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) curriculum provides a basis for children within which they can grow in confidence as people and become informed, thoughtful, responsible, healthy and safe members of society.  RSHE often involves use of CIRCLE TIME an activity where children have the opportunity to discuss things that can affect them emotionally.  There are strict rules of turn-taking and encouraging children to speak whilst also allowing children to remain silent on a topic if they want to.  In the topics covered in RSHE there is a strong focus on developing social and emotional skills.  Pupils have the opportunity to use ‘worry boxes’ to address issues they are not confident to talk about in person. The concepts of respect, kindness, trust and personal responsibility are also taught through the RE curriculum. For greater detail of our RSHE curriculum please go to our Curriculum page. Meanwhile we have more information on our approach to E-Safety on a dedicated page within the Children section.


Behaviour, anti-bullying and discrimination


Incidents of bullying and discrimination are taken seriously at St Peter’s. Children are taught to identify bullying behaviour and are encouraged to immediately report it to an adult.


Emphasis is put on developing respect for others.  The skills of self-control and self-discipline and of being a good friend are key.  Children are taught that each of us needs to play our part in helping to create a co-operative, happy environment.


Throughout the school, pupils are encouraged to reflect on their own and others’ rights and responsibilities. They are taught that everyone has a right to:


  • Feel safe
  • To be respected
  • To learn


In addition to a reward system for positive behaviour choices, weekly assemblies, the school newsletter and phone calls home provide an opportunity to celebrate achievement and examples of good citizenship as well as an opportunity for reinforcing St Peter’s Golden Rules.


Focus weeks and assemblies


At St Peter’s we have a cycle of safeguarding weeks and assemblies that include:


  • Child protection
  • Hygiene
  • E-Safety
  • Anti-bullying
  • Fire safety
  • Road safety




At playtimes adults on duty wear high vis fluorescent tabards so that they can be easily identified by children. Additionally, we have an adult led lunchtime ‘Chill Club’ to encourage positive lunchtime experiences for those children in KS2 who may find it difficult to manage on the playground.



Pupil involvement


We have a ‘Friends’ scheme in action at playtimes where some of our Year 6 children, who are clearly identifiable from their yellow tabards support other children who want help with finding a friend(s) to play with and ideas for games to play.


Year 6 Young Sports Leaders who run lunchtime multi-skills sessions for children from KS1.


Young Interpreters use their first language to support other children with the same first language and who are less confident in speaking in English.


We have 2 Junior Road Safety Officers who are champions for road safety awareness and responsible vehicle use.   They actively encourage walking to school through the running of the ‘Living Streets’ initiative in our school and are key players in promoting “Walk to School Week”.



The student council leads on initiatives to raise environmental awareness eg reduction of single use plastic containers in the lunch hall, the collection of crisp packets and clothing for recycling. They have also helped ensure pupil awareness of personal safety and well-being through their fundraising for the NSPCC.




How we support our families


We aim to support our families to ensure the safety and well-being of children through:


  • Regular newsletters
  • Provision of parent workshops eg. NSPCC on-line safety
  • Structured open door policy
  • Enabling access to the Early Help Hub
  • Support from our SENDCo and Child and Family Support Worker
  • Access and referral to SVP
  • Priest and parish


The school has a Child and Family Support Worker to engage with families where attendance may need to improve, to organise parent coffee mornings and parenting courses, along with being a listening ear - something we all need from time to time.


For all related policies and procedures see the policies page.

For further information on E-Safety see the E-Safety page.


“If children feel safe, they can take risks,

ask questions, make mistakes,

learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.” ~ Alfie Kohn


Important Safeguarding Documents - for further policies please refer to the Policies page.
