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St Peter's Catholic Primary School & Little Fishes Pre-School

“Christ at the Centre”

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“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato


At St Peter’s we have a strong culture of music making throughout the school, where pupil involvement and enjoyment in music is key.  St Peter’s School are proud to be a Lead Primary School for Music in Hampshire.  This role recognises the high quality of our music provision and allows us to work alongside Hampshire Music Hub to share good practice and support other schools in their music provision. 


For an overview of our music curriculum provision and our future plans for music, see our Music Development Plan.


Music has always sat at the heart of the school, and there is much to celebrate – as was recognised in our latest Ofsted inspection: 


Leaders nurture pupils’ all-round development very well. The teaching of music is a particular strength of the school, and a love of music is fostered across all years.


At St Peter’s we aim to engage and inspire children to develop a lifelong love of music.


  • We aim to provide a curriculum that is practical, where children learn about music through making music
  • We aim to provide children with high quality musical experiences, where music making has purpose, is valued and celebrated, and where aspirations and expectations are high
  • We aim to provide a curriculum that develops the musical skills of performing, composing and listening in a sequence of progressive units of work, allowing all children to progress to the next level of musical excellence
  • We aim to ensure that there are no barriers to participation and learning, allowing all children to experience the joys of making music, as well as supporting children’s wider development, well-being and emotional health


Our aims are achieved through a combination of our high-quality music curriculum, as well as our co-curricular provision and a range of musical events and opportunities that children engage with throughout the school year.


For more detailed information on our music curriculum provision, see our Music Curriculum Statement (Intent, Implementation and Impact), Curriculum Map and Curriculum Progression overview.


Classroom Music

The music curriculum at St Peter’s is well designed, and engages and inspires children.  We teach the skills of performing, composing, listening and reading notation, and children learn about music through making music. 


Instrumental Lessons

Beyond class music lessons, there are also 150 instrumental music lessons each week, ranging from woodwind, brass and string instruments to guitar, piano, singing and drumming! 


For more information on instrumental learning at St Peter’s, see our letter setting out arrangements for instrumental lessons.


Concerts and Performances

We provide numerous performance opportunities, where children can share and celebrate their achievements.  Every year we celebrate our instrumental learning at our Spring Concert where children play solos, in small groups or as part of our School Band.  The School Band also plays at our Summer Fayre each year, and our Worship Band lead music at Mass and liturgy. 


Children enjoy hearing live music from visiting musicians and ensembles, as well as going on trips to concerts.



Singing is one of the most accessible forms of music making and is an integral part of school life. Children regularly sing within their classrooms, as well as in assemblies and liturgies.  The school comes together weekly for a whole school singing practice.  We also run an extra-curricular Choir at lunchtimes, who perform at events such as the University of Winchester Graduation Ceremony.


School Production

Musical theatre is a valuable tool for musical engagement and participation for all children.  One of the highlights of the school year is our annual summer Production.  Here every child takes a place on the stage to perform, led by the year 6s who take on the main roles. 


Past performances have included The Lion King, Matilda, The Jungle Book, Aladdin, Joseph and his Technicolor Dreamcoat, Oliver! Annie! and Seussical the Musical.






Children’s Wider Development

We believe that music is a powerful tool that impacts children’s wider development. At St Peter’s music is an important part of the spiritual experience for children, where music is used as a tool for prayer, reflection and worship. 


Music also supports children’s well-being and emotional health.  Through music build community, confidence and self-esteem, as well as learning the joys and discipline of working with a common collaborative purpose - or as we often say here, ‘Team St Peters!’


"Why do we teach music? Not because we expect you to major in music. Not because we expect you to play and sing all your life. Not so you can relax. But so you will be human. So you will recognise beauty. So you will be sensitive. So you will have something to cling to. So you will have more love, compassion, more gentleness, more good… in short, more life. Of what value will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live? That is why we teach music." Unknown

