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St Peter's Catholic Primary School & Little Fishes Pre-School

“Christ at the Centre”

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Welcome from Headteacher


Welcome from Headteacher, Louise Buxton


Welcome to St Peter’s Catholic Primary School in Winchester. We are proud of our school, where children and Christ are at the heart of all we do. Our pupils and staff aim to live out our mission statement, remembering ‘Christ at the Centre'. Although these words are simple, living them out can be challenging and complex for all in the school community. We strive to achieve this in all we do.


St Peter’s is an inclusive school where we share the principles that:


Everyone has the right to feel safe.

Everyone has the right to be respected.

Everyone has the right to learn.


St Peter’s is a high achieving school where all aspects of learning are promoted and where we understand that each child is unique. Pope Francis says: ‘The mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what is good and beautiful. And this occurs through a rich path made up of many ingredients.’ At St Peter’s, we aim to make learning enriching and meaningful, equipping our pupils for the next stage in their education, so that they are positive and active members of society – ‘that they may have life, and have it to the full,' John 10:10. 


Sir John Jones states that the three most important words to an educator should be 'children, children, children'. For a Catholic educator the most important words are ‘Christ and the child’, and so our Mission Statement at St Peter’s School is ‘Christ at the Centre’. The Catholic ethos is central to St Peter’s and indeed the reason we exist as a school. Liturgy, worship and R.E. remains at the core of our week and we try to live out the Gospel values in all we do. A couple of years ago we had our diocesan Ofsted Section 48 inspection which reported, St Peter’s is a school which is proud of its faith and is eager to share it with all members of the community and with all visitors. The parish priest is supportive of the school and visits regularly.  Meanwhile the inspectors recognised the good relationships between staff and pupils have a positive impact on the children’s learning. The children showed good learning behaviours, which contributed to effective learning. Children spoken to talked about how they enjoy that RE ‘gets their brain working’ and where they can have ‘deep discussions’.


We are proud of our school and hope that our website gives you a flavour of what we are about, what we are able to achieve and what makes us special. If you require any additional information, please feel free to contact us.


Louise Buxton (Miss)



'Christ at the Centre'
